The rise of the business communication ecosystem in the telecommunications sector

15. November 2018 Published by Raphael Doerr

The requirements for communication are changing, not only for the consumer but also for companies. Organizations are looking for better, faster and cheaper ways to connect individuals, departments and companies with each other at local, national and international level. But optimum global communication is only possible if we accept the fact that a shift is necessary when it comes to business communication systems.

We need to move away from the idea of separate devices and solutions from different providers that all perform their own task. Instead, the answer for many organizations and their communication needs is one integrated and connected business communication ecosystem. But what are the characteristics of such an ecosystem? And, as providers of communications devices or services, how do you ensure that the different products are optimally integrated in a single solution?

The key to a successful business communication ecosystem for organizations is a user-friendly product that’s easy to connect. Whether it’s a desktop telephone, DECT handsets, computers or smart solutions such as door cameras or door opening systems: Organizations must be able to create a uniform, understandable method for their employees that they can use to operate all these products. That way, employees can save time and take full advantage of all the features a device or system has to offer. It’s the key to a more efficient daily work routine in terms of time and money.

It’s all about interoperability

But how do you provide an integrated business communication solution? The magic word here is interoperability. Today, partnering with interoperability partners or third-party providers is essential for meeting the needs of companies. Close cooperation between your own product management and development department and your partners or retailers is critical for exchanging information regarding the requirements, functions and needs of the businesses you serve. Enabling interoperability between hardware, including telephone systems and smart office solutions, and software, such as cloud platforms or computer telephony integration (CTI) software, allows you to create a complete ecosystem.

From the reseller to the service provider

Resellers and their sales play a key role in this regard. When organizations are looking for an integrated business communication ecosystem, they are dependent on the experience and know-how of these parties when it comes to recommendations for the right product and applications to suit their needs. It’s therefore important that resellers no longer sell individual devices. They must sell a solution that’s tailored to the business needs and interoperability possibilities of devices and platforms. That means that we will continue to work toward a service provider model for resellers, for example, with companies that pay a monthly fee for the online and offline services provided by resellers.

Although various companies, parties and even countries are working on their own definitions of the term ‘business communication ecosystem’, in my opinion, there are three keywords that describe a successful ecosystem: user-friendliness, interoperability and service. That’s what companies must expect and prepare for in the future.

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