Premium OEM Products: An Opportunity for many Companies
22. May 2018 Published by Raphael DoerrAt Gigaset, we are proud of our extensive heritage in the field of telephony and communications. Previously known as Siemens offspring, and now evolved into Gigaset, our company is known for its Germany quality and user-friendly communications solutions. As a company we have devoted ourselves to one important mission: providing best-in-class communications solutions to support anyone around the world.
To be able to offer the best hardware and software solutions for our customers, we are continuously developing and innovating. Business wise, our solutions include integrations in the field of corded IP phones, with our Maxwell range for any business environment. But also corded DECT handsets, like the S650H PRO, SL750H PRO and R650H PRO, combined with various compatible base stations to offer flexible and qualitative communication. The best part? Our solutions are also compatible with many external IT system environments – from both business customers and partners.
And that’s necessary, because the world of telecom and communications is changing. To meet their communications needs, business customers are looking for complete solutions, instead of separate products from different providers. Software and solutions providers are increasingly focusing on their core competences and their integration into customer and business environments. As a result, we’ve noticed that the individual components of our overall solutions – including DECT and IP DECT base stations – are becoming an increasingly popular choice in terms of completing (software) solutions.
To adapt to these needs and changes within the market, one of our services is Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEM). OEM refers to a company that manufactures products or product parts for other companies that, in their turn, market the products under their own brand. As part of our value chain, Gigaset also serves as such a manufacturer for selected partners, often software and solution providers. This way, we can combine our respective strengths to achieve the best possible performances for the end customer.
Strict quality requirements
How does functioning as an OEM partner for other parties impact your business? For us, it means we have to adapt to this role with our own product distribution management and development support. We also invest a significant deal of time in customer-specific variant generation and testing, with the help of our excellent Research and Development department. As an OEM for our partners, we offer the same premium quality as with our own Gigaset branded products. To live up to our brand image as German quality manufacturer and create state-of-the-art products, we adhere to very strict quality requirements and processes such as environmental, duration and acoustic tests. Everything to guarantee that our OEM partners can sell our products under their own brand without having to worry about quality.
Benefits for all parties
Thanks to OEM, software and solutions providers are able to focus on their core competence. On the other hand, serving as an OEM partner also benefits us. It allows Gigaset to profit from a broader market access, with the opportunities to generate important additional business. Last but not least, an OEM partner solution also offers advantages for resellers. They benefit from combined interoperability from one single source. This way, they are able to offer the best solution for the (business) end customer.
OEM products
OEM partnerships have always been part of our growth story at Gigaset. From the very beginning, we served almost all European telecom operators and leading Unified Communications (UC) manufacturers in Europe as a partner in OEM. Over the years, we offered DECT phones and systems, desktop phones and connectivity components, including our well-known N510 PRO and N720 PRO. Nowadays we offer a complete communications portfolio to support any partner and end customer with fixed and mobile products. This also includes our brand new smartphones.
Becoming an OEM partner
Working with an OEM offers various advantages for software and solutions providers. But what if you want to partner with an OEM? At Gigaset we always start with an initial meeting, after signing an NDA, to discuss your interests. The next step is a joint workshop, where we present the Gigaset portfolio. We will identify the best possibilities for interoperability with your software and solution environments and infrastructures. And we will take a look at the common starting points for a collaboration. This way, we enable optimal use and positioning of our joint products and solutions in the market.