BILD award: Gigaset is a “Customer King” when it comes to security
5. August 2022 Published by Raphael DoerrA strong competitive environment, supposed similarity of products or services, and the never-ending battle for customers pose great challenges for companies. It’s therefore important for companies to meet or even exceed their customers’ expectations. That also generates the perception of great customer benefit. A company’s attractiveness as a product or service provider therefore increasingly goes hand in hand with the perceived customer benefit, because it unites all the key assessment criteria, such as product attributes, service aspects, image or customer satisfaction. Against this backdrop, the rating and ranking agency ServiceValue teamed up with the daily newspaper BILD to examine the customer benefit delivered by 2,559 companies for the fourth time in a row – and they ranked Gigaset as the company offering the “greatest customer benefit” in the category “security.”
The results of the study “Germany’s Customer Kings” by ServiceValue and BILD were recently announced. As part of it, around 650,000 assessments by consumers of the customer benefits offered by 2,559 companies from 172 industries were obtained. The study itself is based on a self-initiated and independently conducted customer survey in which the participants were asked to evaluate, on the basis of their own experience, how well products or services from certain providers deliver the benefits they expect and how the perceived benefit is after purchasing the product. Respondents in the study “Germany’s Customer Kings” were able to choose from a scale of four responses in assessing the companies:
- Fully agree
- Agree
- Tend not to agree
- Do not agree
- Cannot assess (not included in the rating)
An average for each company was calculated on the basis of participants’ responses. The lower that average, the better. Gigaset obtained an average of 2.56 in this study, putting it in first place in the “Security” category. This gives Gigaset the rating “GREATEST CUSTOMER BENEFIT.”
“The fact that customers perceive us as delivering great benefit is very important and a major advantage for us as a vendor. If customers are disappointed after they buy one of our products, they’ll choose a different vendor next time. If we can satisfy or even surpass their expectations, their loyalty to the company is strengthened. The award from BILD shows that we’ve managed to do just that in our Smart Home business. That’s why we are very pleased to receive this award in the ‘Security’ category, especially because don’t operate primarily and aren’t well-known in this segment,” says Roland Mäsing, VP Smart Home at Gigaset.
The full survey and its results are published here – and you can see the rankings in the category “Security” here.