Jörg Brühl joins expert panel discussion for The Times online
2. February 2022 Published by Raphael DoerrHeightened consumer expectations, the digitalisation of many organisations, the commoditisation of telecommunication products, as well as the global pandemic, have all had a profound effect on customer experience and the importance of it. Right now, in business-to business telecommunications, customer experience has become the single biggest factor driving customer loyalty, and therefore revenue growth for businesses.
B2B customers are starting to behave more like the consumer market, attaching great importance to factors like simplicity and convenience. After all, behind every business there are human beings, probably working from home due to the pandemic, who don’t have the time to be on the phone to a call centre to address a telecommunications fault. This huge shift in the market has caused an even bigger shift amongst telecommunications providers, who have been forced to adapt to the needs of their business customers. Whether it’s an acceleration of digitalisation, self-service offers or automation, they need to know what to offer their B2B customers and when.
Against this backdrop The Times produced a virtual panel discussion on the topic of customer experience evolution in the telecoms industry. As part of the roundtable discussion Jörg Brühl, SVP Marketing at Gigaset, gave some insights into Gigaset’s strategy for navigating this interesting time in the B2B telecommunications industry. The insights gained during the panel discussion were used to produce a feature article for the digital edition of The Times.
Within this discourse Jörg Brühl explains how Gigaset managed to adapt to the needs of its B2B customers and the changing business climate as a result of the pandemic:

Jörg Brühl, SVP Marketing
“Even when businesses returned to the office they continued to use unified communications. This was a big challenge for us, if fewer people use phones we don’t need to produce as many. We had to be very fast and creative by inventing something new. For instance, we now have a cordless phone that connects via USB to a computer that employees can now use with Teams or Zoom.”
With regard to the future direction of the company, he further explains: “Certainly, we need a lot more speed within our business cycles, we need the ingenuity and the excellence of our engineers to translate the demands of our customers into technology within our products.”
The Times is Britain’s oldest national daily newspaper. It was founded in 1785 and covers topics of politics, foreign affairs, matters of trade, legal trials, advertisements and “amusements”. It’s sister title The Sunday Times. The titles are currently the biggest selling quality print newspapers in the UK and in 2018 The Times was named Britain’s most trusted national newspaper.
You can read the whole article here.