After the hullabaloo of Black Friday comes the peaceful advent season – and with it the sometimes highly desperate search for the right gift. We at Gigaset feel sure that every family member can find what they want from our 2019 portfolio of smartphones! Daughter Catharine (15) Cathy loves to hang out on Instagram, Snapchat more
Family and friends are sitting around the Christmas tree and their excitement and anticipation about what’s in their presents are growing. But will everyone get just what they want or need? Whether for the teenage daughter, student, young-at-heart great-aunt or grandparents – Gigaset’s portfolio has something for everybody. An international communications technology company headquartered in more
It’s probably one of the biggest bones of contention when we celebrate Christmas in a few days’ time: Do we put away the smartphone when celebrating with our loved ones or get it out and record everything for posterity? A recent survey by Bitkom shows we’d prefer to do both. Today is Christmas. Many of more