Trust in difficult times
28. March 2023 Published by Raphael DoerrIn Germany, more people trust business than the government and the media, according to the new Edelman #TrustBarometer. The Edelman Trust Barometer 2023 “Navigating a Polarized World” focuses on the issue of trust. For the 23rd edition of the report, more than 32,000 people in 28 markets were surveyed about their trust in the institutions of government, media, business and NGOs. The findings are an eye-opener. Respondents only trust business to act ethically and competently. Edelman #TrustBarometer. A clear majority of people in Germany want the business community to be more engaged on a range of social challenges. Respondents expect CEOs to take a public stand on their company’s treatment of employees (88%), climate change (80%) and the wealth gap (77%).
Expectations of CEOs are high
One of the demands here: Efforts to achieve greater climate protection and reduce greenhouse gases should be geared toward clear, science-based goals. Around two-thirds of respondents say that means, for example, that experts should be appointed to executive positions at companies to develop and implement climate protection strategies and communicate them externally. Eight out of ten respondents believe that CEOs in particular should speak out publicly on the subject of climate change and their company’s strategy, as well as on their social commitment.
You can obtain the Edelman Trust Barometer 2023 here free of charge.
Made in Germany
Gigaset enjoys the “Highest Trust” among its customers, as evidenced by the study on “Customer Trust” conducted by the Institute for Management & Economic Research (#IMWF) on behalf of Deutschland Test and Focus at the beginning of the year. Gigaset meets the high expectations of customers and partners with its “Made in Germany” seal of quality. Its clear commitment to developing and manufacturing products in Germany and its mission to deliver top quality and sustainability with every product is persuasive and has been acknowledged with numerous prizes and awards. “Many companies have set themselves ambitious sustainability goals. We notice that, as part of their voluntary commitment, they’re looking for suppliers who can help fulfill them. Time and again, we see that we win people over with our commitment to the production site in Bocholt,” says Jörg Wissing, Senior Product & Business Development Manager.
Fair for Future
Gigaset not only tackles important tasks of the present, but also those of the future. The need for action is great: Climate change and resource scarcity are huge challenges. We at Gigaset have long been committed to equitable environmental practices. For many decades, we have made our products in the center of Germany, namely in Bocholt in Westphalia: with green electricity, recycled or recyclable plastic and paper, little water and the lowest possible CO2 emissions. We also do not use natural gas for our production processes now.
“Fair for Future” means that work processes are constantly optimized and sustainably improved. One of our declared goals is to reduce hazardous substances at the plant in Bocholt and further optimize energy consumption at all Gigaset locations. Noise and CO2 emissions are also to be noticeably reduced, for example, through a gradual switch to electric drives at our plants. Further avoidance of waste and even greater use of recycled products are also on the company’s agenda. The goal is to extend environmental and social standards to Gigaset’s suppliers and partners as well. After all, the wider “Fair for Future” reaches, the better.